• Director

    Rafael Escolar

  • Country, Year, Length

    Argentina, 2019, 78 min

  • Category

    Feature Narrative

  • Format


  • Festival Year


Cast: Eduardo Rivetto, Magdalena Combes Tillard, Eva Bianco, Rubén Gattino
Crew: Producers: Rafael Escolar – Screenwriters: Rafael Escolar
Email: rescolar@baserrifilms.com

Dario Lizardi’s life spins as randomly as in Ailén’s rollers, his slot machine. Everything he lost along his 35 years of addiction to gambling -what he wanted most, what he will not have again- has not been enough to keep him away from his obsession. Convinced that the more you know your slot machine, the closer you are to luck, Dario Lizardi dreams of the day when Ailén will give him back everything he has lost. To achieve this, he only needs to get a coin, lower the lever and make its rollers spin again.

Rafael Escolar was born in the Basque Country in 1967. After finishing his Associate Degree in Video Directing in Barcelona, he completes his Bachelors Degree in Film Studies in Minneapolis, U.S.A. For over 20 years, he has worked as a freelance director for film and TV production companies in Argentina and Spain. From his film production company, Baserrifilms, he defends the Art House film production.