Food For Thought: Eight Films with food as a metaphor for everything.

@ MoMI Redstone Nov. 4 @ 4:45 PM Block: Food For Thought:…


@ VENUE Nov. X @ X:00 PM Block: XXXX When: November…

What Can We Learn?: Two films that ask big questions.

@ KAS Zukor Nov. 3 @ 8:30 PM Block: What Can We Learn?:…

Open Wounds: Two films that remind us that healing takes energy.

@ KAS Zukor Nov. 2 @ 8:30 PM Block: Open Wounds: Two films…

Real Fur: Taimoor Choudhry’s investigation into the fur farm industry in Canada.

@ KAS Zukor Nov. 2 @ 6:00 PM Block: Real Fur: Taimoor Choudhry’s…

Unseen: Six films that urge us to truly see our fellow travelers.

@ KAS Zukor Nov. 3 @ 6:00 PM Block: Unseen: Six films that…

WTF? (What The Film?): Five films that are full of surprises.

@ KAS Zukor Nov. 4 @ 8:00 PM Block:  WTF? (What The Film?):…

Hideout: A girlfriend, some drugs, and a life of crime

@ Flushing Town Hall Nov. 3 @ 7:00 PM Block: Hideout: A…