Joshua Elias Palmer

Queens World Film Festival Alumni Success Story

Additional Info:

Joshua’s film CODA screened at the Queens World Film Festival in 2024.

Looking for investors for a feature film shooting in November

I’m seeking investors for my new feature film! We’re about halfway capitalized, starting callbacks next weekend, and set to shoot in November in Cape Cod. It’s shaping up to be really exciting, really quickly! You can find the project deck by clicking the google drive link attached to this post.

My bio:
Joshua Elias Palmer is a filmmaker focused on exploring the depth of human connection, memory, and intimacy. He seeks to conjure a transcendent viewing experience through manipulation of cinematic time. After studying with Kevin Jerome Everson, he was 1 of 1 filmmakers selected by master filmmaker Béla Tarr to participate in his directing intensive, where Béla produced his short, Coda.

He also has extensive producing experience, with two feature films in post-production and one developed in the Gotham Project Market. His films have screened around the world, including at the Tribeca Film Festival, Millennium Film Workshop, and Tallgrass Film Festival, among others.