“No Nukes” is a short documentary film about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants disaster, which resulting in a meltdown of nuclear reactors on March 11, 2011 in Japan. The film focuses on people who are struggling with the consequences of the incident after six years through the work of an artist, Akira Tsuboi, who continues painting artwork themed about the Fukushima disaster. The nuclear disaster is not only Japan’s issue but also a global one since nuclear energy is used all over the world.
Kayoko Nakamura – Director
Director Biography
Kayoko Nakamura is an artist who works in film, video, sound, composition, and photography. Her films were awarded the Cine Golden Eagle Award and the Telly Award and screened at numerous film festivals such as the GI Film Festival, the Asian American Film Festival, and the Americas of Film Festival in New York. Other films featuring her work as a cinematographer have screened at Black Maria Film Festival, Mosaic Film Experience Film Festival, and Underexposed Film Festival.