Wednesday Nights @ 9 – Celebration of Hunters Point with 5 Fascinating Short Documentaries
Queens World Celebrates Hunters Point Parks Conservancy for the transformation and maintenance of massive waterfront spaces along the West, facing short of Queens. The landscaping, outdoor activities, playgrounds, and water shuttle give us all an incredibly pleasant place to gather. The films curated in their honor, contain an interesting array of short documentaries about interesting people from Queens.
Interesting People Doing Interesting Things: 5 Short Documentaries
Gasper & Son by Hannah Jayanti, Jen G. Pywell, and Miguel A. Rodgriguez
Away by Elisa Bates
LOUIE (KR.ONE) GASPARRO 5POINTZ by Eirini Alligiannis
My Paintbrush Bites by Joel Pincosy
Rudy’s Hobby Shop by Jason Guzman
Wednesday Nights @ 9 are produced by