Queens World Film Festival


Queens World Film Festival




Jun 17 2020


9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Wednesday Nights @ 9 – Celebration of Queens Pride and #Lovewinsfoodpanty, with Films that Remind Us That Love Is Love and People are People

Queens World Celebrates Queens Pride and #Lovewinsfoodpanty for their work to support the LGBTQ community from homeless transgender youth to LGBTQ Seniors and their families. The collection of films, curated in their honor, show a range of material that address love, family, acceptance, joy and trust – all themes that matter to ALL of us. 

Voices and Lives: 7 Stories from our LGBTQIA Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters

Welcome to the Ball by Adam Vincent Wright

Without Say by Neha Gautam

Little Boy by Erika Santosuosso and Adam Griffith

Roxanne by Paul Frankl

Middle Man by Charlie Francis

Timmy Slays the Talent Show by Adam Vincent Wright

Stonewall: The Making of a Monument by Cheryl Furjanic

Wednesday Nights @ 9 are produced by

© 2011- Queens World Film Festival, Inc.
Screening Challenging and Exciting Films From Around the World and Around the Corner. Site Design & Maintenance by Killerwebs Design