Wednesday Nights @ 9 – Celebration of Common Point Queens with Nine Short Films from Queens Filmmakers
Queens World Celebrates Common Point Queens for their work across Queens with several thousands of meal deliveries, virtual reading programs, legal support, home visits, and tutoring, job and youth development at over 50 sites in Queens. The curated block of films in their honor represent filmmakers from across Queens.
Made In Queens: Nine Films from the Borough
Miracle Maker by Kate Marks
Butterfly by Serife Potuk
Best Wishes by Kevin Etherson
Dirty Laundry Day by Jamil Lahham
Kids Don’t Ride Bikes Anymore by Ganeesh Genus
Tofino is a Place by Ryan Struck
The Suitor by Alvaro Congosto
Bricklayer’s Poet by Gino Cafarelli
Love Express by Patrick Chen
Wednesday Nights @ 9 are produced by